Engaging team-building activities that combine fun with valuable learning outcome, ideal for leadership, management, and frontline teams, whether virtual or in-person.
Demonstrating Leadership™
A Northgate Activity
A fresh challenge, a named leader, and a team put to the test. How will they perform when everyone's watching? Let's discuss.
1 Hour+Debrief
Recognize leadership qualities
Give hands-on leadership experience
Understand team-leader dynamics
Create effective leaders
Nurture future leaders
Escape Room™
A Northgate Activity
A hands-on team-building collaborative puzzle-solving adventure that tests problem-solving and communication skills. The clock is ticking.
1 Hour+Debrief
Virtual & Face-to-Face
See how teams perform under pressure
Gauge teams' ability to tackle a complex challenge
Develop organizational and time management skills
Highlight the value of collaboration and cooperation
How to Rob a Bank!™
A Northgate Activity
The successful heist of a new bank hinges on teams effectively employing their project planning and collaboration skills.
1 Hour 15 Minutes+Debrief
Virtual & Face-to-Face
Empower teams to develop a project plan
Address staffing challenges
Consider personnel concerns
Procure additional and required physical equipment to ensure success.
Create a timeline for execution and success.
John Maxewell Leadership Game
A fun, interactive experience designed to engage participants in thought-provoking discussions, debates, and sharing of ideas. It promotes authentic conversation within the team, which results in uncovering areas of improvement, and agreeing on their new action plan. The best part is that team members find a new appreciation for one another and become motivated to work as a stronger unit.
2-3 Hour
Virtual & Face-to-Face
Time spent with Dr. Hudson in High Road Leadership is time well-spent. I was looking for my next opportunity to challenge myself as a leader; looking for practical growth opportunities. Dr. Hudson delivered in his expert facilitation of this challenging content and process. He challenged each participant to look deeper into the meaning and application of what it means to be a High Road Leader. The skilled, guided conversations prompted me to look for ways to put others first and to recognize that we all live on a continuum of becoming the best we can be by putting others first. Thank you Dr. Hudson! Definite Five-Star rating!
Keith Hudson is a wonderful mentor. Highly recommended